USA legal maxims include many one line summations accumulated over time. Unethical professional trustees motto towards clients is “isolate, control, dupe and loot”. We have seen this practiced by Curtis Mallet within our issues. To combat these violations are: “The truth is the best defense. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.” We have also seen this defense used against Curtis Mallet within our issues through our reliable legal sources that have come forth. In fact, our whole newsletter has been a template expose of both mottos. We are seeing how far Curtis Mallet will go in their attempt to allegedly loot the Kevin J Collins approximately $40,000,000 estate.
ABA Journal reports: “After advising the guys that simply taking off their ties fills the business casual bill (and, for those with “a wild streak,” doffing their jackets is also an option), it goes on to point out that a display of chest hair is to be avoided at all costs. It further suggests that ‘the mature man’ would do well to stay with figure-flattering American-cut shirts and business suits.” B20 What about the fat men troops as well as women troops? Should they not be included to be politically correct?
Robert Whoriskey Curtis Mallet Counsel
US-6th-circuit/1434104 reports: “The plaintiffs also signed individual retainer agreements with defendant Curtis Mallet, for a fee of $100,000 each. The IRS later determined that the ‘leveraged option strategy’ was an abusive tax shelter but offered amnesty to taxpayers who had invested in them, under certain conditions. The defendants did not inform the plaintiffs of these IRS rulings, and the plaintiffs were eventually forced to join an IRS settlement program that required them to pay taxes, penalties, and interest due to federal tax authorities, a sum that exceeded $25 million. … alleging fraud, negligence, civil conspiracy between the defendants, and breach of fiduciary duty, among other counts.” B21
Latin Lawyer reports: “Internationally renowned for its representation of states and state-owned entities … The main hubs of Curtis’ Latin American practice are its offices in Mexico City, Buenos Aires, New York, Houston and Washington, DC, which work closely with all of the firm’s other offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia in advising clients on inbound and outbound matters related to Latin America. … Curtis is uniquely positioned to help Latin American companies take advantage of the business opportunities presented in the US and other jurisdictions. The firm offers a multidisciplinary group of lawyers with backgrounds in commercial transactions; mergers and acquisitions; import and export; intellectual property; and tax, to tailor and implement strategies that enable clients to achieve their global business goals.” B22 Another lucrative Curtis Mallet fee making example is to a create conflict of interest by installing Curtis Mallet partner’s children as trustees to client estates. Curtis Mallet then depletes the client’s estate assets by defending Curtis Mallet against this and similar practices (see issue 3). Law firm trustees may use client entrusted estate assets against the client. Usually the perpetrating lawyers hire other law firm lawyers to represent them. This keeps fees in the law firm while they deplete the client estate.
Thorndike Barnhart World Book Dictionary defines wiretapping as “the making of a secret connection with telephone, telegraph, or their wires, to listen to conversations or record information sent over them. Wiretapping is forbidden by law in many countries and states, except as specifically authorized by a qualified authority.” B23 It is reasonable to believe the intent of instructing Kevin Collins in the alleged promotion and initiation of illegal interstate wiretapping was to obtain Kevin’s wife’s conversations in expectation of divorce (see issue 2). As such, New York, Florida and United States Federal authorities have jurisdiction as a criminal matter. The herein victim has the election of using any of the three venues.
Susan Summers, Network Administrator
Wikipedia reports: “The U.S. federal law allows recording of phone calls and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. A majority of the states and territories have adopted wiretapping statutes based on the federal law, although most have also extended the law to cover in-person conversations. … 12 states require, under most circumstances, the consent of all parties to a conversation. Those jurisdictions are California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington.” B24 Florida requires two party consent.
Digital Media Law reports: “Florida’s wiretapping law is a “two-party consent” law. Florida makes it a crime to intercept or record a “wire, oral, or electronic communication” in Florida, unless all parties to the communication consent. See Fla. Stat. ch. 934.03. Florida law makes an exception for in-person communications when the parties do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the conversation, such as when they are engaged in conversation in a public place where they might reasonably be overheard. … In addition to subjecting you to criminal prosecution, violating the Florida wiretapping law can expose you to a civil lawsuit for damages by an injured party.” B25 A Curtis Mallet partner committed both USA Federal and Florida state criminal violations by urging Client Kevin J Collins to wiretap his wife Louise.
Curtis Mallet had questionable possession and control over Kevin J Collins’s approximately $40,000,000 estate at the time and allegedly was attempting to isolate Kevin J Collins to further their grip. The wiretaps reveal, Kevin J Collins was not told of the legal ramifications of doing such allegedly by Curtis Mallet. This matter seems inextricably tied to the attempt of Curtis Mallet to have Kevin J Collins divorce his wife Louise (see issue 2). Florida is a two party consent state making the alleged wiretapping initiation a USA Federal and Florida interstate crime. We will see Kevin J Collins not only wiretapped his wife’s conversations but others, including Curtis Mallet entities allegedly responsible. The crux of the wiretaps was the alleged Curtis Mallet insinuation that wife Louise was having an affair with a Jamaican man living in Miami while Kevin and Louise were living on Fisher Island. The wiretapping contents will be discussed at length within future issues. Unknown to Louise Collins, Curtis Mallet is similarly initiating a vitriolic attack against Louise Collins’s present husband (see issue 2). Keep in mind, Curtis Mallet allegedly committed both USA Federal and Florida state criminal wiretap violations. Curtis Mallet unilaterally continues to use the Kevin J Collins estate account assets to initiate divorce proceedings against Louise’s present husband.
Aniello Scognamiglio, Controller
Kevin J Collins purchased three known tape recorders for the instructed tapings, one is said to be voice activated. Both Louise and Kevin only had house land line telephones. The technology of cell phones was either not practical or non-existent during the wiretapping interval of time. Louise Collins allegedly still has no active cell phone. The tape recordings were contained in plastic Fisher Island logoed bags. Kevin and Louise Collins were residents of Fisher Island, Florida when the alleged wiretaps and divorce actions were initiated against Louise (see issue 2). After moving from Fisher Island, Kevin Collins continued the wiretaps in both Palm Beach, Florida and Southampton, New York. The Curtis Mallet tapes distinctly mention where Kevin was at the time because the alleged Curtis Mallet partner distinctly opens conversations with small talk about Kevin’s weather, specific condo in Palm Beach or house Southampton. There are other discerning pleasantries interspersed. The Curtis Mallet deviousness towards Kevin’s estate matters as well as the animosity towards wife Louise is consistently revealed in these tapes. It is astounding how sophomoric the intentions of a Curtis Mallet partner are during these Southampton tapings, similar to the letters to Louise (see issue 3). There is no room for doubt at the Curtis Mallet objectives.
When Louise Collins told about the wiretapping scenario she was in complete denial. She could not believe anyone would instruct her husband to commit such an act. One of the less revealing wiretap tapes taken by her deceased husband was partially played back to a curious and flabbergasted Louise G Collins, whereupon she cried. Client Kevin J Collins followed the wiretap instructions given him to create numerous tapes. The most revealing of these wiretap tapes were those containing conversations with allegedly parties other than his wife, including the Curtis Mallet partner. It is believed Kevin J Collins frequently forgot to deactivate the revealing sound activated tape recorder .
Kristen Dicerto, Network Administrator ______________________________________________________
The prime reason Curtis Mallet encouraged Client Kevin J Collins to initiate allegedly wiretaps and divorce proceedings (issue 2) against his wife Louise was a question Kevin Collins asked his wife only once. Kevin J Collins was a very stoic man and rarely showed his emotions. Louise denied ever sleeping with a black man. Who is to be believed? Curtis Mallet knew the only person standing in their way of taking complete possession and control over Kevin J Collins estate matters worth an estimated $40,000,000 was wife Louise. Kevin Collins was estranged from his only sibling sister Alexa. There is the old USA legal maxim that comes to mind of isolate, control, loot and dupe. It is known that a Curtis Mallet partner was installing his sons as Kevin J Collins trustees with one son given the estates assets to manage in his newly created boutique (see issue 3).
The Kevin J Collins voluminous wiretaps at the alleged direction of Curtis Mallet clearly convey the devious extent to which Curtis Mallet will go to “isolate, control, dupe and loot” Client assets. Again, there are numerous conversations connoting Curtis Mallet desire to diminish wife Louise. At this time there is no evidence a Jamaican black man ever existed in wife Louise’s life,. It only exists in the alleged fiction created by a Curtis Mallet partner. It is now believed this insinuation and the STD [sexually transmitted disease] warnings were inserted within Kevin J Collins’s mind to dupe him into anger and withdrawal from wife Louise, which it did. As noted on the wiretaps, Kevin J Collins thereafter resigned himself to only a platonic relationship with his wife Louise. The wiretaps allude to Kevin’s anger and fear of contacting any STDs. A confused Kevin J Collins died never having mentioned the Curtis Mallet episodes to his wife Louise. At least one Curtis Mallet partner’s family is only now learning about the hypocritical partner’s hidden life while holding themself out to the world as a dutiful parent and spouse.
Peter Kalat Curtis Mallet partner
Letters to Director:
Dear Sir: This information you are making public should remain in the custody of lawyers and not be spread into a public venue. The general consensus among our partners is that Curtis and its employees have done nothing wrong to their prior Client, his wife or her present husband. How dare you mention the slight errors of one Curtis partner as something of public concern. Get a life and attack street robbers, drugs gangs and other bad guys. – Curtis Partner
Director: What’s the V stand for in Thomas V Sheehan’s name? That’s a weird middle initial. We are really really interested. Can you please tell us in your next issue? – Fan
Gentlemen: We’ve looked Round Oak Capital up and found it in need of large investors. It seems the Curtis Mallet-Provost is providing at least one partner elderly client. These boutique investment firms are usually there to do what was done by Curtis Mallet against Mr Collins and his estate accounts. It’s generally is to funnel client assets of the vulnerable into law firm partner family operations. We see this all the time. They are no brainers to convict since they are accompanied by many U.S. Federal and state criminal violations. Who has custody of the Kevin J Collins interstate wiretap tapes? – Observers
Director: We applaud your newsletter. You are professionals backing up statements with true and correct documents. This is a rarity. We now see why you are considered an important research tool for the international media. We’ve been investigating the Thomas V Sheehan Round Oak Capital. We’ve noticed that your influential issue citations for both the son Thomas V Sheehan and father Robert W Sheehan have been purged from their name Google search page, especially their popular first page citations. This fact is worrisome because Google prides itself on it’s security. We are now in communication with Google regarding this matter. We may require your assistance. – Investigators
Sir: We will now vet the accumulating reliable source Curtis Mallet international law inconsistencies from Mexico to India. Did you get the info from the Mexico source? Why do they say the black guy followed Louise to NYC apt? How can CM prove this? Can you look at any register? – Assisters
Dear Readership:
A lawyer directing a client to secretly wiretap another in a two party consent state is one of the more onerous entrapment schemes of the alleged Curtis Mallet partner. When caught committing this crime the lawyer is usually let off with a suspension for at least one tear by the state bar association grievance committee. The lawyer must return any loot related to the wiretap. How can elderly USA citizens keep their accumulated assets away from these lightly punished predators? The answer is primarily through the court of public opinion. That is why our newsletter is so popular. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.