issue 4


There are very intriguing disclosures within the below Kevin J Collins Will/Trust  Curtis Mallet logo stationery presented to Florida citizen Kevin J Collins upon his deathbed May 12, 2008 in Florida.  An alleged  Florida lawyer named Andrew M Jackson appears next to Curtis Mallet partner Robert W Sheehan before a terminally ill Kevin J Collins bed in Kevin’s 101 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida condominium.  Andrew M Jackson did not have  at the time a Florida Bar license but was said to have received one later that  May 12, 2008.    Sheehan is not a Florida licensed lawyer.  Jackson was not a Curtis Mallet lawyer.  We do not know what the two attorney persons have in common.

May 12, 2008 these two lawyers summoned  101 Worth Avenue personnel and Kevin J Collins nurses to be witnesses to Kevin J Collins will/trust Curtis Mallet stationery logoed documents.   Attorney Sheehan was slightly known to the personnel and nurses from his infrequent  visit.  None of the witness knew Attorney Jackson.  There has never been an attempt to forge or otherwise insert personal identification  upon these Curtis Mallet generated Wills/Trusts documents to conform with USA Federal as well as New York and Florida State law.  Let us  mention a few criminal violations within the  Curtis Mallet logo generated New York documents.  Please note that these Curtis Mallet wills/trusts documents are purposefully constructed so as  not to allow space for witnesses to print their mandatory names and addresses, among other things .  Why did Curtis Mallet not  tell Louise Collins of Attorney Jackson  and his presence at these Kevin J Collins deathbed signings?

Again,  these below documents are a few but not necessarily all  frauds upon USA Federal as well as Florida/New York States committed by Curtis Mallet against Florida resident Kevin J Collins.    Why were the witnesses allowed to put just their first names without their mandatory last names and addresses?  Why were there no requisite hand or otherwise printed names and addresses under all witness names?  Why was Attorney Jackson knowingly allowed to illegibly scribble his name, thus hiding  his identity on the improperly constructed Curtis Mallet stationery?  Did Jackson’s disguised signature  have something to do with his later successful solicitation for the same estate conversion scheme to an unaware Louise Collins?

We will later see Attorney Jackson’s Wills/Trusts documents presented by him to Louise Collins at 101 Worth Avenue condominium.  We will see his name is legible with a proper witness signatory printed format?  Let us not forget Louise was in intensive care  at Mt Sinai Hospital in Miami during these frauds perpetrated upon her husband Kevin.  Why did Attorney Jackson knowingly present the USA Federal and Florida/New York State lawful  true and correct signature procedure  when successfully soliciting and recruiting a unknowing Louise Collins?  Attorney Jackson had  aided and abetted  Curtis Mallet frauds perpetrated upon Louise’s husband Kevin J Collins?    Why did Attorney Jackson make illegible signatures without printed name and address on these documents?    Who taught Attorney these schemes?

Who taught youthful Attorney Jackson these devious schemes to allegedly convert client estates into  his possession and control?   Who paid for Andrew M Jackson’s legal expenses?  Why was this Andrew M Jackson presence before Kevin J Collins necessary for Curtis Mallet?   Why did  Sheehan bring Jackson along on  Curtis Mallet  confidential legal business?  Again, Louise was in intensive care at Mr Sinai Hospital in Miami  at the time and had no knowledge of this incident, until recently.   Why was Louise Collins never told an Andrew M Jackson participated in the Curtis Mallet generated documents?  Why are the names of the witnesses not printed below their illegible signatures?  It is believed one of these witness signatories is Andrew Jackson?


Peter Fleming Curtis Mallet partner


Andrew Jackson signature on codicil page.

Please note the above witness signatures on the Deed of Amendment between Client Kevin J Collins and Curtis Mallet partner Robert W Sheehan.  We would like you to compare them with Andrew Jackson’s above Wills/Trusts document.  Curtis Mallet partner Sheehan and his Attorney Jackson were together at the Kevin J Collins, 101 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida bedside May 12, 2008.  They were  plying signatures from a withering Kevin J Collins and nearby impressed “witnesses”  while  Kevin’s wife Louise was conveniently in intensive care at Miami Mt Sinai Hospital.    It is perplexing in that Jackson had no known relationship with either Curtis Mallet or Kevin J Collins and yet he has a legally prominent position in the Curtis Mallet Client  legal business.  Robert W  Sheehan did not have  a license to practice law in Florida.   Andrew M Jackson was admitted to the Florida Bar May 12, 2008, the very same date he allegedly represented Curtis Mallet  in the above Kevin J Collins Wills/Trusts  signing   How can Curtis Mallet allow such dubious behavior of a partner and his personal friend while representing Curtis Mallet?  Why were the “witnesses” allowed  to just scribble a bit of their first names without any further identifiers?  Why were the  “witnesses” not told to print their customary names below their alleged signatures.  Can this sordid behavior pass the Florida legal smell test?  Can the above in fact be considered  legal documents?   Will  New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office somehow  release Curtis Mallet & Partner Robert W Sheehan from any guilt?


Nancy Delaney Curtis Mallet partner

This trust was initiated at the alleged direction of Curtis Mallet with Andrew M Jackson as trustee. From information and belief, Andrew M Jackson is now registered to practice law in Florida.      We are awaiting more reliable source information. Louise Collins never knew of Andrew M Jackson until Curtis Mallet made him a trustee of her estate.  Again, Louise Collins was neither told by  Curtis Mallet  nor Andrew M Jackson that Andrew accompanied Curtis Mallet partner Robert W Sheehan at least once in 2008 to her 101 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida condominium.  Louise was never told by either Andrew M  Jackson or Curtis Mallet that Andrew had been introduced to,  conversed with and participated in a terminally ill Kevin signing May 12, 2008  to  Kevin J Collins  Wills/Trust documents.    She did not believe these occurrences until shown the above documents.  Louise now laments over Kevin, the Curtis Mallet scheming and devious deceptions while she was at Mt Sinai Hospital Miami intensive care unit.  Louise said she believed all along Curtis Mallet partner Robert W Sheehan was her friend.  Curtis Mallet billed the Kevin J Collins revocable Trust hourly fees for partner Robert W Sheehan to incessantly chit-chat with Louise about  her girl friends.  her jewelry and her new clothes.



American Lawyer
 In the annual 2012 AmLaw 200 survey reports:  “Curtis is ranked 153rd, up from 177 in 2009, having increased revenues by $10 million despite the weakened economy. Curtis also ranked 89th in Compensation per Partner and 63rd in Profits per Equity Partner for the year.” A3  We do not know how many fees Robert W Sheehan generates through irrelevant alleged chit-chat churning with elderly clients, especially women.  If Robert W Sheehan is a template of other Curtis Mallet partners,  all clients should be put on notice.


Michael Moscato Curtis Mallet partner



Curtis Mallet Performance Brochure reports: “In February 2009, despite a weak economy, the firm reported a 13.5% surge in revenue, pushing profits per partner to the $1 million mark, a record for the firm. Revenues per lawyer were reported at $570,000. Chairman George Kahale cited the firm’s limited presence in mergers and acquisitions, banking, and private equity, along with its strength in bankruptcy (see Friedman issue 1) and arbitration as major contributors to the firm’s stability and growth.  In 2012, the firm reported continued revenue growth of nearly 18%, reaching $165 million for the year.” A4  The Curtis Mallet “Performance” is commendable.  We know of many partners who are held in high regard within their various areas of law.  Again, is Curtis Mallet Partner Robert W Sheehan an anomaly or is he the norm?    Why has the Curtis Mallet ethics committee and other partners turn a blind eye and a deaf ear?  Why do the  Curtis Mallet partners continue to advance him within the law firm knowing his negative behavior taints them?  Why is Curtis Mallet publicly defending Robert W Sheehan for dubious activities knowing the future repercussions?  What gives?


James Harbridge Curtis Mallet partner


Letters to Director:

We schedule people on national TV and radio talk shows.  We have clients interested in your timely content.  Do you have a spokesperson that can act as an authority?   Is Mrs. Collins available for an interview?  Please contact us at your earliest convenience.  It would be advisable to keep our contact # confidential to avoid initial repercussions.

Dear Sir/Madam:
It’s of great discomfort to see this Curtis Mallet lawyer commit such acts.  It should be known the vulnerable trusting elderly must rely upon well established law firms that are beyond reproach.  Mrs. Collins should have had someone look up on Google to see that this Curtis Mallet lawyer continues his troubled past.   My New York law firm of integrity can be of use to Mrs. Collins.  She definitely is a victim.  Our malpractice  specialists will call her to see if we can be of assistance. Let’s make an example of Curtis Mallet.
Attorney ….. , ….. Law Firm

Dear Director:
My gosh, this is what happened to me.  My husband planned a divorce with his lawyer golf buddy.  It seems the lawyer even introduced my husband to a strip club pole dancer half his age.  I got little to live on while my prior husband now has the lawyer package deal.  He and the young cutesy are getting married.  Guess who the best man is going to be?  You guessed it, the lawyer. The moral is keep you husband away from lawyers!
Sad house frau

Dear Director:
This is a wonderful way of exposing the truth.  You provide the actual documents proving beyond any reasonable doubt what went on with these senior citizen clients of Curtis Mallet.  You probably know it is fruitless making a New York Bar Complaint.  The only way a New York lawyer can be reprimanded is if they kill their client, maybe.
New York City Attorney


Dear Readership:

We are seeing before our eyes schemes unfold with the use of signed documents fraught with fraud. We hope our readership gain resourceful knowledge heretofore rarely seen by the public.  If Curtis Mallet and their like behave in such a manner towards their elderly estate clients, what must these law firms do within the other areas of  practice?  This should make our readership all the wiser.    It is going to get worse.

We have received voluminous emails to our site.  We are also receiving many emails directed towards  These emails are generally from lawyers and judicial figures who would like to clean up elements such as those documented but wish to remain strictly confidential.    To publish all responses would be prohibitive.  We are in the process of developing a capability to have all published without diluting the essence of our goals.   We honor both positive and negative comments.  Readership must be reminded we are internationally recognized journalists and as such have  fiduciary confidentiality.  We cannot be required to divulge any sources in a court of law.




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