issue 7


Through information and belief, we are of the understanding that Husband Herb has a continuing independent dispute with Curtis Mallet that has yet to be properly addressed.  Curtis Mallet saw the danger of their alleged dubious activities being exposed by other peering eyes if Wife Louis remarried after her husband Kevin’s death. Curtis Mallet introduced a strategy of initiating a continuing series of deliberate harassment of Husband Herb. We have exposed some of these through confirmed true and correct documents in prior issues. Some but not necessarily all of these attacks include Curtis Mallet and their Palm Beach County lawyer affiliates insinuating pre and post nuptial, separation and other court forms sent to the now spouses to denigrate an otherwise wonderful marriage. There can be no mistake or inadvertence since there are sundry examples consistently put forth under Curtis Mallet aegis.


Eric Gilioli Curtis Mallet partner



In 2000 Kevin J Collins was declared by several doctors to be  mentally and physically impaired because of a series of lifestyle damage and plain age. Kevin had a terminal brain tumor.

Issue 6 exposed an initial phony 2000 Curtis Mallet Will & Testament signed in Southampton, New York but sent interstate via USA Postal Service to the Florida domicile address.  This was implemented   allegedly to hide the illegality.  Curtis Mallet partner Robert W Sheehan knew Kevin J Collins was at his summer home in Southampton, NY until the usual November.   This was done before a Curtis Mallet partner started creating complex trust documents, codicils and other confusing questionable manipulations. These documents were thrust in front of a bedridden Kevin every time a Curtis Mallet partner came to “visit”.   Some of these “visits” were allegedly timed to Wife Louis’s hospitalization in far off Miami.    Through concerned others we have seen in our issues Curtis Mallet allegedly convert Kevin J Collins estate to the benefit of Curtis Mallet and partner Robert W Sheehan’s family. This has  allegedly been accomplished surreptitiously while ignoring Kevin’s unknowing wife Louise and concerned Sister Alexa.   Unbeknown to Curtis Mallet, Kevin J Collins wrote many hand written pages and recorded tapes noting his conversations with a Curtis Mallet partner. It is ironic since in several tapes have Kevin J Collins conversing receiving wiretap instructions from his perpetrating Curtis Mallet instructor.  Beyond any reasonable doubt, this information exposes a clear pattern of Florida, New York and USA Federal criminal violations. Florida has a two party wiretapping consent while New York is a one party consent state.  Again, Curtis Mallet in New York urging Client Kevin J Collins to wiretap  his wife in Florida is a USA interstate Federal crime.


Michael S. Schwartz, partner at Curtis Mallet

Daniel Dykes, partner at Curtis Mallet



Curtis Mallet refuses to divulge the paper trail accounting documents of Kevin J Collins estate  under the possession and control of Curtis Mallet in general and Curtis Mallet partner Robert W Sheehan’s son Thomas V Sheehan in particular.   Curtis Mallet is under legal obligation to provide true and correct documents under New York State and USA Federal laws. While Curtis Mallet behavior is being investigated, approximately $2,500,000 estate assets allegedly has now disappeared. Elderly Louis Collins, as a Curtis Mallet appointed co-trustee, was warned these questionable actions may be initiated. When exposed, Curtis Mallet unilaterally took the remaining liquid assets to a specific foreign banker, despite objections of Louis Collins, her defending law firm Mc Laughlin & Stern  as well as others. Under present conditions, it is not known what will also happen to these assets.  We do know Curtis Mallet has statutory and USA Federal obligations to account for the missing Kevin J Collins estate assets. We can only wait for Curtis Mallet to reluctantly divulge incriminating asset documents to Florida, New York  and USA Federal authorities. We do not know how many Curtis Mallet clients are allegedly victims of similar behavior. We do know there are a number of  international and regulatory eyes peering.


James Alford Curtis Mallet partner


Letters to Director:

Director: How much do I have to pay you to take the case against Curtis Mallet? This is nasty stuff committed by some suspect attorneys. How can these attorneys represent others when they can’t get their own act together? This evidence makes for a slam dunk case. – NY Firm

Sir: The thing we can’t figure out is why Curtis Mallet keeps this perpetrating partner in the firm. – Curious

Gentlemen:  We can only surmise the other partners do the same thing but are a little smarter on how they do it. How stupid that a partner would write such letters. This guy’s a nihilist who will take the entire firm with him. Then again, if CM cuts the partner loose now, they add to their liability. There’s case study on this type of fact situation but no law firm can be found that has allowed things to get this out of hand.  –  CA Judge

Director:  Curtis keeps digging a bigger hole by defending the defenseless. It’s a fait de complis that should be dealt with swiftly. CM should settle up with the aggrieved and terminate the partner. Attorneys are talking. This is bad advertising for all New York law firms. We see the necessity of this being exposed. Are you the only media investigating? – New York Law Firm Partner

Gentlemen:  We’ve  been thinking of the labour going into compiling this rather seamy series of episodes whilst dealing with the New York dubious legal system. Is it any wonder internationals seek justice from London Barristers rather than New York unscrupulous lawyers. We have always suggested international clients ask London firms to recommend United States legal assistance since there are so many unethical lawyers in the US of A. –   London Barristers

Director:  Suffice it to say, there may have been serious breaches of ethics by cm!  It doesn’t surprise us that this is what goes on in New York City.  – SF attorney                                                                                          ____________________________________________________________

Dear Readership:

We are receiving an increasing amount of mail from Curtis Mallet clients wanting to know if they have entrusted the untrustworthy.   It is logical that they would be concerned about the welfare of their Curtis Mallet international legal support.  We can only tell them that the statements made within this newsletter are based on document fact.

We have been continually allowed drip by drip access to documents presented to our readership. We are told this will continue although the content will become more criminal in nature. It has not gone unnoticed Curtis Mallet partners are defending the indefensable actions of one as being ethically true and correct.  We are also receiving from reliable sources  information on other partners. Something is considered wrong within the Curtis Mallet culture. This should not bode well for Curtis Mallet in general. It is obvious where these matters are leading as they transpire.

We are of the understanding there are two separate cases emanating from Curtis Mallet actions regarding the Kevin J Collins matters. Wife Louise’s issues are with a Curtis Mallet partner Sheehan. She has been represented by a prestigious New York law firm McLaughlin & Stern for some time. Curtis Mallet is represented by a Curtis Mallet in-house lawyer regarding Wife Louise’s matters. Curtis Mallet has the capability to take defending fees from the Kevin J Collins estate assets.  Louise Collins must pay for her own law firm.  Husband Herb’s issues emanate continually from Curtis Mallet.   Husband Herb is to seek and engage a law firm through his many purported interviews. It is understood Husband Herb would like an international law firm vehemently against the Curtis Mallet culture we have exposed in our issues.  Again, Husband Herb only need to have prospective law firms read our issues to get the drift. We have sent the names of those law firms that have already expressed an interest in representation. Husband Herb has intimated the interviewing process will take considerable time, internationally.

From information and belief, Curtis Mallet has not engaged or even told their malpractice insurance attorneys of their debacle with Louise Collins. The insinuation of documents deliberately meant to compromise an otherwise wholesome elderly marriage will most probably keep appearing from Curtis Mallet detractors. . This is to be expected.   We print both sides of the events to be as fair as possible, especially our Readership letters.  We conjure that Curtis Mallet partners go home to their secure families in the evening while causing abhorrent havoc to this elderly Florida couple during the day.

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