NEW YORK CITY BAR TAKES ACTION AGAINST CURTIS MALLET & PARTNER ROBERT W SHEEHAN!!search/profile/person?personId=1710746772&targetid=profile/
We received the below “Letters to Director” email from an avid reliable source reader. The reader said a controversial Curtis Mallet partner called themself an alleged international wills & trusts lawyer. When queried as to what that rubric meant the Curtis Mallet partner allegedly said “international law” comes from the fact that the lawyer used Skype to talk to a Curtis client recently in France. Some had to turn to avoid from laughing out loud. This episode turned off those hearing this startling misstep of reality. Those privy to the conversation are trying to get the names of the participants in the conversation for us to interview. Hearsay is not applicable since all of those listening heard the utterances directly from the mouth of the Curtis Mallet partner speaking. Curtis Mallet clients and competing law firms have been told about this weird reality twisting conversation that is boosting our newsletter readership. How can a Curtis Mallet partner brazenly misrepresent the truth via sophomoric statements while hustling prospective clients? This Curtis Mallet partner behavior excites other competing law firms. It may be just a matter of time before there are changes at Curtis Mallet. We have heard rumors.
Bloomberg reports: “Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle (Curtis) will open its first China office in Beijing to focus on international trade matters. Curtis’ Beijing office will be opened on 1 March and will become the firm’s first location in East Asia. The Beijing office will be led initially by international trade partners William Barringer and Daniel Porter alongside two senior associates and two trade analysts. Both Barringer and Porter are among a group of four partners and six lawyers who joined the firm’s Washington DC office from Winston & Strawn in January 2012. The two partners, experienced particularly in trade remedies cases and WTO litigation, will split their time between Beijing and Washington DC. C29 This is a well positioned move for Curtis Mallet a truly international trade law firm. What is international wills/trusts espoused by the Curtis Mallet Skype using partner? Will they write Chinese wills? Does it have to do with alleged Chinese trust tax evasion? If so, why would Curtis Mallet use porous Skype?
Roman Bninski Curtis Mallet Partner
Huffington Post reports: “Everything becomes a bit more complicated when we consider that in the late 1960s Rogers encouraged Francois Clemmons, who played the role of Officer Clemmons, to remain in the closet, marry a woman, and focus on his singing career as ways to rein in and channel his gay sexual orientation. Rogers evidently believed Clemmons would tank his career had he come out as a gay man in the late 1960s. … Rogers later revised his counsel to his younger friend. As countless gays came out more publicly following the Stonewall uprising, Rogers even urged Clemmons to enter into a long-term and stable gay relationship. And he always warmly welcomed Clemmons’ gay friends whenever they visited the television set in Pittsburgh.” C30 Again, we encourage transparency for all. Just think what the world would be like if humans spoke the truth. Perhaps Curtis Mallet and other law firm lawyers would be genuinely forthright in their professional as well as personal lives.
Marten Wendel Curtis Mallet Partner
Medical University of Vienna reports: “While the biological gender is usually manifested in the physical appearance, the individual gender identity is not immediately discernible and primarily established in the psyche of a human being. … ‘These results suggest that the gender identity is reflected in the structure of brain networks which form under the modulating influence of sex hormones in the course of the development of the nervous system.’ ’’ C31 It is no secret that some of the most influential human advances have come from men and women who have suffered under cultural gender mores and folkways, sometimes leading to death. We only have to look at the ISIL practice of throwing alleged homosexual men off of the highest roof in an area of conquest. It is startling to hear of such recent barbarian practices. When will all men and women be allowed to be themselves without resorting to uncomfortable facades?
Letters to Director:
Director: “Alert” I’m an attorney whose also a voracious reader of your newsletter. Friends and I overheard a known Curtis Mallet Partner talking to a small group at a New York City party. What peeked our interest was that the lawyer said he practiced international wills and trusts law. Any lay person knows the two are distinct practices in the legal profession. One of those talking to him luckily asked about this discrepancy. He said he uses Skype to talk to a client living in France. What a bunch of hooey. The man definitely had effeminate mannerisms and said his wife was a member of the prominent Vietor family. Lights went on in my brain. I remembered reading about a lawyer’s clearly questionable behavior in a memo circulating our office. I couldn’t wait to get back and check your newsletter. There was his picture. I called my friends who couldn’t believe it. Much of what he said we couldn’t hear but it’s obvious he was attempting to solicit legal business at the social event. We are trying to get the names of the other conversation participants. You just got many more followers from that incident. We feel like crime stoppers reporting events as they happen. Partner ————— Law Firm
Gentlemen: We represent a group of hedge funds ——— Capital Partners, ————– Capital Management, et al. These funds are interested in supporting a legal action against Curtis Law Firm. Among other things but not necessarily all, we see the necessity of bringing this law firms negative culture to an abrupt halt. Curtis is now exporting their negativity to other countries as a vehicle for exploitation. This must be stopped. Can you please give us the whereabouts of your mentioned Curtis victims? ———- Law Firm
Dearest Director: I read the following in the Huffington Post about one of our most iconic TV figures, Mr. Rogers. “The nagging question is also understandable if we acknowledge that gay men of Rogers’ generation (and discretion) often hid their gay sexuality by marrying women and having children, all the while engaging in gay sex on the sly. Rogers was married to one woman, Joanne, for almost all his adult life, and their relationship, by all accounts a loving and devoted one, resulted in the birth of two sons.” It seems so long ago that these men had to hide behind a heterosexual facade. This lifelong inner frustration is no applicable. If they were free of these past taboos they may be better persons and not harm other people. – Avid follower – San Francisco
Director: What’s with Curtis Mallet? We see Curtis Mallet has deviously manipulated their personnel racial/gender graphs/charts. This is a scam concocted by the Curtis Mallet partners to make them look more like an equal opportunity employer. For instance, they include within their graphs/charts hispanics when in fact these are primarily Mexico office personnel. Many other quotas are done the same way. It is unethical for Curtis Mallet to include country foreign personnel in USA charts/graphs. Ethical Competitor
Gentlemen: We represent a group of hedge funds interested in supporting a legal action against Curtis Law Firm. Among other things but not necessarily all, we see the necessity of bringing this law firm’s negative culture to an abrupt halt. Curtis is now exporting their negativity to other countries as a vehicle for exploitation. This must be stopped. Can you please give us the whereabouts of your mentioned Curtis victims? Concerned New York Law Firm
Dear Readership:
New York State Bar jocular maxim: “A New York lawyer can only be suspended if they kill their client, under certain circumstances.”